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A novela la jaula roberto ramos melendez pdf is a great piece of literature worth your time. It is written by Gabriel Garcí́a Márquez with the publication date April 1967. Published by Ediciones Universal, it has ISBN 9788423004794. The novel tells the story of a man's release from prison after spending forty-eight years there. The protagonist, also known as "B", comes out in an undisclosed location which has more than one hidden meaning to his life. The novel is not only about his release but also the secrets that lead to it. The novel incorporates several themes, such as politics, religion, social classes and how the author blends them so well. The protagonist in the story B goes through different stages in his life but is always involved with politics. It all starts when he gets elected president of San Juan de la Ciénaga in 1937. He then later becomes president of Colombia in 1942. During that time, he is married to Rosa Elena Luque Ossa but has an affair with her sister Mercedes Luque who gives birth to his son Rodrigo in 1944. Rodrigo later becomes a drug lord who dies at age 16 from an overdose of morphine. In the novel, B ends up being imprisoned for his role in drug trafficking. In 1947, B is released from prison and returns to San Juan de la Ciénaga. He then plans an uprising against the government that includes members from his inner circle who have been released from prison for their crimes. Miguel Angel Munoz is one of them but he later dies due to B's selfishness. At the end of the novel, he is re-elected president in 1975 after promising to clean up repressive acts by his predecessors while also proclaiming himself a Marxist revolutionary who has seen it all and will never be fooled again. The novel opens with a prologue where a character named The Informant is telling a story about a man named B who has been imprisoned for 48 years for his role in drug trafficking. The Informant tells us that he illegally recorded all of the events that took place from the beginning of B's incarceration until the end. In the next chapter, we are introduced to B as he is telling his story from inside prison. In this chapter, we find out about how the prison guards treat the inmates and how B has built himself up politically to gain respect and power among the inmates. The chapter ends with the Informant telling us that B had his freedom given to him on June 30, 1967. B had lived in an apartment building in San Juan de la Ciénaga which belonged to his family. He is told by the narrator that he was arrested along with two relatives, 9 other members of his family were also arrested with him. During his time in prison, he created a secret underground organization called the Ateneo. When they are released from prison, they are all re-elected into positions of government power without having to do anything illegal again. cfa1e77820